Applied Communication Division

Submission Deadline Dates:  Mon, 1/9 2023 12:00 AM EST - Thu, 3/30 2023 3:00 AM EST EDT


Submissions open on Monday, January 9, 2023 and close on Wednesday, March 29, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time at NCA Convention Central: We strongly encourage submission before this deadline.

The Applied Communication Division explores how communication theory, research, and/or best practices help inform knowledge and theory about communication for practical issues. Applied communication research builds and tests communication theories, often in naturalistic settings, to better examine a wide range of diverse issues, including the communication needs of organizations, effective social interaction, improvement of health care understandings or delivery, implementation of behavioral interventions, training to improve communication, and activist efforts to achieve social change. Applied communication scholars use a variety of methodological and theoretical approaches to address applied communication issues.

Submissions directly related to the convention theme, "Freedom,” are encouraged. This year’s convention theme of freedom gives us an opportunity to discuss and share how applied scholarship can explore what it means to be free. Applied scholarship allows us to explore and interrogate the concept of freedom, to (re)imagine what freedom can be, and to identify strategies for attaining freedom - submissions that fall within this space are well suited for this division. For more on the theme for 2023, please visit the NCA convention website.

The division also strongly encourages participation in the Scholar-to-Scholar (S2S) interactive poster sessions. These S2S spotlight sessions bring together presenters into high-density interactive programs, providing sites for free-flowing dialogue, sharing ideas, and building community. In the S2S sessions, top scholars, journal editors, and leaders in the discipline congregate in one place to personally interact with presenters. To have your work considered for S2S check the appropriate agreement box on the electronic submission form. Only individual paper submissions are appropriate for this format.

Individual papers, paper sessions, and panel discussions may be theoretical, methodological, or empirical in nature. Papers should be written to conceal authorship. Only one paper may be submitted to the Applied Communication Division from any person submitting as first author. Individuals may serve as chairs, respondents, and/or panel members in addition to presenting a single paper. Paper sessions and panel discussions should include individuals representing multiple institutions rather than individuals from only one or two institutions. Further, a single person should not serve more than one role (i.e., chair, respondent, author, or presenter) in a single submission.

Top papers and top student papers are formally recognized at the Applied Communication Division Business Meeting. Top student papers will also receive a monetary award.

SUBMISSION INFORMATION: In order to avoid unnecessary problems with submission and review, please read the following guidelines:

1. All submissions must be submitted electronically to the NCA Convention Central.

2. Each submission should be made to one unit only.

3. All submitters are encouraged to review the Professional Standards for Convention Participants in the Convention Resource Library ( prior to submission. Helpful resources, including live and recorded step-by-step instructions on how to submit are available in the Convention Resource Library on the NCA Convention website (



Submitted papers should include:

1. A title

2. A 250-500-word description of the paper

3. Maximum length for uploaded papers: 25 pages, double-spaced (excluding abstract, references, tables, charts, and appendices)

4. Follow APA style (1-inch margins on all sides, Times New Roman 12 pt. font)

5. No information identifying the author may appear in the body of your description or your uploaded paper file. Instructions on how to prepare a blind copy are provided in the Convention Resource Library on the NCA Convention website (

6. Identify student submissions on the title page and on the electronic submission form. Indicate if the student is a graduate or undergraduate student on the title page.



Submitted paper sessions should include:

1. A title for the paper session

2. A description of the session as a whole (no more than 75 words)

3. A chair is required, and respondent is optional

4. Titles, descriptions, and author(s) information for each paper to be presented on the session. Descriptions should be no more than 350 words.

5. A rationale for the paper session justifying the significance and theme of the paper session as a whole.



Submitted panel discussions should include:

1. A title for the panel

2. A description for the panel as a whole (no more than 75 words)

3. A chair and all presenters participating on the panel

4. A rationale for the panel justifying the significance and theme of the session/panel as a whole. Panel discussion submissions should provide enough information to judge their relevance and quality.

** Paper sessions and panel discussion reviews are not blind. All participants should be identified.


AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT: Participants are encouraged to keep equipment requests to a minimum. Requests must be submitted online at the same time as papers, paper session, and panel discussion submissions.


NOTE: The NCA Convention Library ( has a wealth of additional information about the convention including a guide for how to submit using NCA Convention Central.


Program Planner:

Dr. Andrew Pyle, Vice-Chair, Applied Communication Division

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

Clemson University 

415 Strode Tower

Clemson, SC 29634